Here at Cameron Veterinary Services, we believe in personalised veterinary care and have your beloved pets best interest at heart. We understand the anxiety that can arise from visiting the vet, not only is it more comfortable to have your appointment at home, it’s also extremely convenient! Which is why we are pleased to announce that we are now offering in home consultations for cats and dogs!

What areas do we service? 

Gawler, Gawler East, Evanston, Evanston Gardens, Mt Pleasant, Springton, Birdwood, Williamstown, Lewiston, Lyndoch and surrounding areas. Please give us a call on 8318 1801 to check if you’re in our zone.

What services do we offer for in home consultations?

Health checks

Our in-home health checks are exactly the same as our health checks in clinic, except they are performed in the comfort of your own home. During your pet's check-up your veterinarian will undertake a full and thorough physical examination, they will check their eyes and ears, listen to their heart and lungs, feel for any signs of skin irritation, lumps or bumps and perform an oral exam to assess for dental disease.


Vaccinations are a vital part of your pet's preventative health care, there are a number of serious diseases/illnesses out there that we can prevent with a simple vaccine schedule. A general health assessment will be undertaken before giving any vaccine to ensure your pet is in good health.

  • For dogs, we use a C5 vaccine which helps prevent: Parvovirus, Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Kennel Cough.
  • For cats, we use an F3 vaccine which helps prevent: Panleukopenia, Herpesvirus, Calicivirus.

We also vaccinate against Feline Immunodeficiency Virus or FIV.

In-home euthanasia 

We know how hard it can be to say goodbye to a beloved pet, when the time comes, we are here to make your pets last moments as comfortable and peaceful as possible for both of you. There are a few different options for aftercare which include keeping your pet at home to bury, communal cremation or private cremation. We are able to help you with these options.

Senior pet health checks

As our pets grow older, they need a little more TLC and more regular check-ups, we can perform a thorough health examination on your pet to assess for things like osteoarthritis and put a management plan in place.

Puppy & kitten health checks

Have a new addition to the family?  When attending a consultation for your new puppy or kitten, we will perform a full and thorough health assessment, go through your vaccination plan and have a chat regarding:

  • Nutrition and what to feed, when to transition to adult food
  • Behaviour and training + puppy school and socialisation
  • Parasite control


Microchipping is extremely important as it allows us to return your pet home if he/she decides to go on a little adventure without you. We implant the microchip and register it for you both with Dogs and Cats Online and the Australasian Animal Registry. It’s important to note that once registered to regularly check your details and keep them up to date.


We offer both in-house and external blood testing. If your pet requires bloods, we can collect this in the comfort of your own home and bring it back to our clinic to run the tests or send off to our external laboratory. Once the results come through, we will give you a call. We can also take samples for ear swabs and bring them back for testing.

What’s required for us to visit your pet at home?

Having your veterinary appointment at home is certainly a lot more comfortable for your pet, it’s also convenient for you as the owner! There are just a few things that we kindly ask of you before we visit:

  • Access to the property, especially if on acreage! Which gate to go through, where to park? Making sure we have clear access.
  • Ensuring your pet is ready for their appointment, cats already in carriers or contained in a separate room, dogs in their beds, or having a harness and lead on, a clear and comfortable area for us to set up.

To enquire about our in-home consultation services or to book an appointment please give our friendly team a call on 8318 1801.