While having surgery performed on your precious pet may seem a little confronting at first, desexing is a very common and safe procedure, with minimal risks involved. In South Australia, desexing is compulsory for all cats and dogs born after 1 July 2018 – either by the age of six months or within 28 days of taking possession of your […]
Our Blog
Why your pet’s weight matters
An overweight or obese pet is not only at a significantly increased risk of developing serious health complications but is also likely to have a lower life expectancy.
5 ways to make a vet visit for your cat stress-free
We explain five key steps you can take to make a visit to the vet for your cat stress-free.
Caring for your senior cat
The life expectancy of our feline friends is increasing, with cats able to live well into their teens – and sometimes even older! As your cat reaches its senior years (typically regarded as being 11 years and over), they will require some extra care and attention to stay healthy. Here’s our top tips for caring for your senior cat and […]
Introducing the Cameron Veterinary Services small animal vetclinic
Here’s a bit of an insight into how the Cameron Veterinary Services small animal vet clinic is a bit different from other vet clinics you may have visited before.
4 steps to introducing a new kitten into your home
When you already have another cat or a dog in your home, introducing a new kitten into the dynamic can be challenging.
What does an annual health check for your pet involve? More than simply vaccinations!
Even if your pet seems perfectly healthy, it’s still important to book in that annual health check with your vet.